Rodent Rundown: Keeping These Dangerous Pests Away From Your Vail Property

rat in yard

Rodents are mammals that exist in more than 1,500 various species. Belonging to the order Rodentia, common rodents include mice, rats, squirrels, and gophers.

Rodents share a common characteristic: incisors, which are front teeth that are rootless and grow continually. Rodents use their incisors to constantly gnaw on things.  According to the Boulder County Department of Parks & Open Space, an estimated 60 different rodent species exist across Colorado.

Have mice, rats, or some other type of rodent infiltrated your home? These are creatures known for posing health risks and damaging property; therefore, seeking help from a well-qualified pest management professional is strongly suggested. An experienced company that provides residential rodent control in Vail will best ensure that the results are positive while still prioritizing safety.

Common Rodent Species: Identify Rats, Mice, And Other Intruders

What are some of the most problematic types of rodents for homeowners in the Vail region?

Among the most common rodents include pack rats, house mice, deer mice, and voles. Pack rats, which are also commonly referred to as woodrats, often gather and “pack away” small objects such as beverage can tabs, jewelry, and coins. Several pack rat species exist here in Colorado with fur that is gray, dark brown, reddish, and other colors. 

Common house mice generally appear either gray or brownish and have bodies that measure from 2 to 4 inches long with tails of approximately the same length. House mice have dark, beady eyes, pointy snouts, and rounded ears. Because of their small size, house mice can enter homes through very tiny openings.

Deer mice usually have slightly larger bodies compared to house mice. They typically appear brownish and have lighter-colored feet and underbellies. Although they generally prefer outdoor settings, deer mice will infiltrate homes if food is scarce or amid harsh weather conditions.

Voles are rodents that resemble hamsters and generally range from 4 to 8 inches long with brown or gray fur. Roughly eight different vole species exist in Colorado. As primarily outdoor pests, voles commonly tunnel or burrow in yard areas and create damage to grass, plants, and trees.

Rodent Dangers: Health Risks And Property Damage

What are some of the likely adverse consequences of having Colorado rodents occupying your property? Rodents may pose a variety of health risks including salmonellosis, rat-bite fever, and tularemia.

Because of their habit of chewing on things, different rodents may damage a variety of materials inside your home. Further, this gnawing activity might potentially create a fire when it involves electrical wiring.

Proactive Rodent Control: Preventing Infestations Before They Begin

Are you a property owner in Vail who is looking for the most effective rodent prevention strategies? Some of the recommended prevention  methods include:

  • Never place pet food bowls in garages or on patios or decks, as doing so may attract rodents.  
  • Minimize any openings around the frames of entry doors or windows using durable weatherstripping.
  • To help prevent voles, remove bird feeders and firewood piles, and keep grass and shrubs trimmed.

While these preventative measures are generally effective, rodents are aggressive scavengers that might still thwart your efforts. Thus, residents experiencing an active intrusion should contact the pros. Qualified pest control experts will efficiently treat rodent infestations for property owners in this region.

Professional Rodent Control: Why Expertise Matters

Why should I seek assistance from a professional provider of Vail rodent control services?  Based on the possible health risks and potential for property damage, local homeowners should have help from qualified pest control professionals.

For more than 15 years now, the team of experts with RAM Pest Control has delivered results for homeowners in Vail who are facing intrusions involving dangerous rodents. Some of our rodent-related services include trapping, removal, and exclusion. For further information, contact our office today.

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