What The Experts Have To Say About Wildlife Control In Avon

raccoon near trash cans

When people think about or get pest control, they usually focus on bugs. If there are any creatures involved, it’s typically mice or rats. But these aren’t the only critters to be concerned about. This is especially true if your home or business is by a wooded area or a body of water.

Unfortunately, wildlife don’t stay in the wild. There are a number of animals that can creep up on your property. Some may seem harmless, cute, and furry, but some can be a real danger to humans. They can destroy structures or belongings and/or spread diseases. Birds can spread West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and histoplasmosis (a respiratory illness). It’s important to understand what wildlife lives in Avon so you can prepare to prevent their entrance. Also, you can learn how RAM Pest Control can help you in your efforts.

Common Wildlife in Avon

Many creatures call Avon home, including:

  • Voles
  • Mice
  • Pack rats
  • Birds
  • Squirrels
  • Foxes
  • Beavers
  • Porcupines
  • Raccoons
  • Skunks
  • Bats

Racoons are round and stout, with four legs and dark fur. Their hair is normally mixed in color, with brown and black. Their eyes are outlined in black, appearing as a “mask,” while their tails have black rings. They can be up to 3 feet long. Though they prefer watery spots and forests, they sometimes make their dens under porches and in attics and chimneys. Nuts, fruits and other animals are their main cuisine.

You probably have an infestation if there’s random visible damage to wood, roof shingles, insulation, gardens, and garbage cans. You’re also likely to see their waste, paw prints, and nesting debris. Listen for sudden noises outside. Raccoons can transmit intestinal roundworm.

Skunks are 1 to 3 feet long. They have elongated bodies, four legs, and sharp claws. Their fur is two-toned with stripes; they can be black and white, or gray and brown. Berries, nuts, plants, grass, bees' nests, and insects are what they feed on. However, they’ll eat anything they can get their paws on. They’ll dig through trash and lawns, and crawl in basements and garages to find food. Distemper, salmonella and histoplasmosis are a few of the diseases they can carry. If they feel threatened, they might bite you or release the stinking fluid they’re best known for.

Bats come in many colors and sizes. Most are black or tan. Their hairy bodies range from 2 to 7 inches long, with a wingspan of 5 to 14 inches. Dark areas with low traffic are ideal for them. If they can’t find a cave to settle in, they’ll go for an attic or garage. Their feces contains hazardous fungi.

The majority of the previously mentioned animals could have rabies. When humans contract the viral form, it can cause issues with cognition and the nervous system. Worse, it can lead to death.

Preventing Wildlife

  • To make your property less attractive to wildlife, do the following:
  • Use garbage cans with secure, tight lids.
  • Groom greenery and keep it distanced from your home.
  • Consider getting a yard fence.
  • Close openings in foundations, roofs, doors, windows and utility lines.

Using RAM Pest Control

Our name says it all. We specialize in controlling wildlife, with tailored treatment products and devices. Examples include traps, entry point seals, bird spikes, and nets. And when you employ our services, we follow up daily to make sure all is well.

For 13 years and counting, we’ve kept Avon properties safe and sound from unwanted animals. We’re proud members of state and national pest associations, and we strictly follow legal regulations. Don’t be startled by raccoons or anything else!  Call for a free inspection today!

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