How To Prevent Wasps, Yellow Jackets, And Bees Around Your Home

wasps on wasp nest

Being stung or bitten by an insect is not a fun part of any summer. However, stinging insects are incredibly active at this time of year, which increases the risk that you could get stung. Insects such as wasps, bees, and yellow jackets have had plenty of time during spring and early summer to build up their colonies and establish nests around Colorado homes. Now that we have reached the middle of summer, stinging insect activity is at its highest. There are many reasons wasps or bees might be nesting on your property. Today we will be discussing the factors that encourage stinging insect infestations around your home.

What attracts stinging insects?

Like other summer pests, the biggest reason stinging insects choose to populate a property is for a food source that is easy to access. As yellow jackets, bees, or other wasps are scouting for food in spring, the locations of these food sources become ideal spots for nesting. When it comes to solitary wasp species, some wasps may choose to build their nests in close proximity to available food sources, often choosing to nest along roof eaves or under decks. In some cases, yellow jackets and other stinging insects choose to nest inside attics, wall spaces, and other sheltered parts of a home--if they find a crack or crevice in an exterior wall.

Stinging Insect Prevention Tips

Every Colorado homeowner should take steps to protect their home against stinging insect infestations. Many stinging insect nests are home to thousands of individual wasps, which can be a danger to you, your friends, and your family. In cases of people who experience allergic reactions to stinging insect venom, wasp stings can be fatal. To protect your property from wasps, yellow jackets, and bees this summer, consider following these prevention tips.

  • Seal all gaps and cracks along exterior walls, roofing, and siding. (Attics and empty wall spaces make perfect sheltered locations for yellow jacket nests.)
  • Keep your garbage cans sealed
  • Pick up pet food.
  • Clean up after outdoor parties. (Open soda cans and leftover sauces make a tasty meal for stinging insects.)
  • Make sure vents are covered properly and utility entrances are sealed.
  • Keep sheds and other outdoor structures well-maintained and closed-off to prevent wasps and bees from nesting there.

RAM Pest Control provides residential pest control programs that remove and treat stinging insect problems. It is always wise to contact professional pest services for stinging insects to keep yourself protected and also to protect the environment. The pest technicians here at RAM can identify whether you are dealing with bees or wasps and can handle your pest problem accordingly. Honey bee nests are carefully relocated to ensure the survival of the species, while wasp nests are treated and properly removed. Reach out to RAM today to learn more about how our services are positively impacting Colorado communities!

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