Everything Vail Property Owners Ought To Know About Mice

house mouse in garbage

Did you know that there are hundreds of different mouse species found in the world? Mice are extremely widespread and can be found anywhere that humans live. This is because they have developed a dependent relationship with humans that allows them to thrive. As mice need shelter, food, and water to live, and they aren’t too picky about what they’ll eat, being near people provides them everything they need to survive easily. 

While there are many different species of mice, the most common mouse in Vail is the house mouse. This pest frequently infests area homes and businesses, and while they might be tiny, at only about 6-8 inches long, they are destructive and dangerous creatures. You can easily identify the house mouse by the brownish-grey fur they have over their bodies and their cream-colored underbellies. They also have triangular-shaped faces, large ears, and long, thin tails that are longer than their bodies.

Why Mice Are More Dangerous Than They Seem

If you see a mouse around your Vail property, it can be tempting to just assume it’s only one small, harmless mouse. However, this usually isn’t the case. If you see one mouse around your property, there are likely many more hiding just out of sight. Mice are extremely prolific and reproduce quickly.

Even if an infestation hasn't grown very big yet, mice can still put your health and the health of others around you at risk. They can carry many diseases including salmonella and hantavirus, but they can also carry parasites like fleas that carry their own diseases such as the plague. Along with the risk of diseases spreading, mice can cause exacerbate allergies and asthma. And their fur, droppings, and urine can make people sick. In fact, if their feces builds up over time, it can lead to respiratory problems.

Seven Ways To Keep Mice Out

Mice can be difficult pests to prevent because they can squeeze through holes the size of a dime. Mice constantly gnaw on things, so they can chew through many materials including plastic, drywall, and even wood. Because of this, mouse prevention steps should focus on addressing the factors that attract mice in the first place. Here are seven steps you can take to reduce the risk of a mouse infestation:

  • Keep kitchen areas clean and wipe up any food or drink spills immediately.
  • Take out indoor trash on a regular basis.
  • Make sure that doors and windows fit tightly in their frames.
  • Seal up any cracks in walls and foundations with hard materials such as caulk and steel. 
  • Pay close attention to sealing up areas where utility wires and pipes enter the building.
  • Keep pet food stored in airtight containers and indoors if possible.
  • Mice are attracted to humid environments, so make sure attics, basements, and crawl spaces are well-ventilated.

Protecting Your Home From Mice

Given how easily mice can get inside a property and how difficult they are to eliminate, the safest, most reliable way to handle mouse problems is with help from the professionals at RAM Pest Control. We have over 25 years of combined experience and we have handled mouse infestations all throughout the Vail area. To learn more about our residential and commercial pest control options, or to get answers to rodent infestation concerns, call us at (970) 665-4117. You can also use our online contact form to request a free inspection

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