
What are mice?

Mice are small rodents that grow to about 4 inches long. They're identifiable by their short brown hair, protruding eyes, and long, hairless tails. Mice are opportunistic pests that thrive in garages, attics, and crawlspaces. The two most common types of mice that infest our buildings and homes are deer mice and house mice.

a mouse outside of a home in avon colorado

Are mice dangerous?

Mice can be carriers of many different pathogens and diseases. Notably, deer mice can carry and spread Lyme disease and Hantavirus Pulmonary Disease. It is common for deer mice to carry the bacteria that causes Lyme. Mice often bring secondary pest infestations into your home such as fleas and ticks. Ticks carrying Lyme disease can pass the infection on to pets and people through a bite. Hantavirus Pulmonary Disease is also carried by mice. HPD is spread through airborne particulates put off my dead mice. Airborne mouse urine particulates can also spread the disease.

Why do I have a mouse problem?

Mice are drawn to homes because of the easy access to food and water they provide. Field mice and house mice are attracted to open containers of grains, bird seed, and other animal feed. These are then stashed away in their nests. Mice will also forage in lawns, collecting seeds, nuts, and berries. Within the home, mice will commonly go after dry goods such as rice, pasta, and sweets. They also enjoy eating fatty foods such as butter and bacon grease. Countertops provide the perfect foraging space for all types of mice. Homes also serve as a safe space for mice to breed and raise their young. Mice are capable of having many litters of pups each year. A single breeding pair can quickly create enough mice to overrun a home.

Where will I find mice?

Deer mice
Deer mice are drawn to outdoor spaces and are rarely found in homes. When looking for deer mice, be sure to check outdoor clutter such as piles of fencing or wood. Deer mice are also drawn to rarely disturbed areas such as sheds and garages. Excess boxes, crates, and machinery all make good spots for nesting. If you suspect that you have deer mice in your home, be sure to investigate crawlspaces, attics, and basements.
House mice
House mice, on the other hand, love living in close proximity to humans. They tend to be more outgoing than deer mice. Be sure to inspect kitchen cabinets, closets, dressers, and storage areas. Mice are most likely to come out at night, and using a bright light, you may see them scurrying along baseboards.

How do I get rid of mice?

Mice can be difficult for homeowners to eradicate on their own. Because of the rapid breeding cycle of mice, it is important to remove all mice at the same time. Most DIY methods of rodent control are simply not able to achieve this. RAM Pest Control has a team of professional exterminators that use the most humane and current methods of rodent removal. Our wildlife control and exclusion services will ensure that your home is mouse-free and stays that way.

How can I prevent mice in the future?

The first step in mouse prevention is the cleanup of excess clutter in and around the home. Mice breed best in undisturbed areas such as garages, attics, and basements. Rarely used closets, drawers, and boxes also provide mice with excess nesting material. Once a year, be sure to clean up storage areas and dispose of any mouse nests you find. Sanitation is also important, as mice are drawn to their own scent. Next, be sure to fill any gaps or cracks leading into your home through its exterior walls. Finally, scheduling regular inspections with a reputable pest service such as RAM can ensure that mice stay out of your Aspen and Vail area home. Give RAM Pest Control a call!


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