Mastering Ant Invasions: Strategies For Vail Property Owners

ants on ant hill

Ants are incredibly annoying pests. Not only can they drive you crazy by getting into your home, they can make you crazy when you try to get rid of them. Let's look at some common ant species in our area and the strategies you can use to get rid of ants and keep them out. When it comes to ant control in Vail, we have you covered.

How To Tell What Type Of Ant Has Invaded Your Home

We have several types of ants in our Vail service area. Telling them apart from each other is a challenge if you don't know the subtle differences. Most ants just look like little black ants, but only one species is called the little black ant. It is Monomorium minimum. This species of ant is unique in many ways. You'll have some trouble if you attempt to control other black-colored ants the same way. Your ant pest control should target the specific species. Here are a few quick differences that can help you identify the common species:

  • Odorous house ants smell like rotten coconuts when crushed.
  • Black carpenter ants are the largest species that invade Vail properties. They range from 1/4 to 1/2 an inch long and have workers of different sizes. You'll find these ants nesting in wood and creating a sawdust material called frass.
  • Pavement ants are black and build mounds along driveways, walkways, sidewalks, and other hard structures.
  • Field ants are large but not quite as large as carpenter ants. They are about 1/8 to 3/8 of an inch and have workers of different sizes. You'll find these ants building nests in the ground and creating mounds in areas of vegetation.

If you have trouble identifying your ants, we can help—contact RAM Pest Control for a pest inspection. We'll tell you what kind of ants you have and guide you toward a solution.

How And Why Ants Find Their Way Inside

Ants get inside because they find entry points in the exterior of structures. Once inside, workers who find food will lay down a scented trail that attracts other workers. In a short time, an army can mobilize. All the ant species listed above are motivated by food and will try to live near food resources. Let's look at some ant prevention tips to help you keep them out.

Five Ant Prevention Tips

You can deter ants by controlling the factors that lead to an ant infestation. Here's how:

  • Keep your home free of food debris.
  • Manage your trash to keep decaying food smells to a minimum.
  • Apply pest-proofing materials, such as weatherstripping, caulking material, or expanding foam, to seal entry points.
  • Remove organic debris near your home to reduce habitats beneficial to ants.
  • Address aphids and remove weeds to get rid of sweet, natural food sources, like honeydew and nectar, which can bring ants to your home.
  • These steps are not comprehensive, but they'll get you going in the right direction. When you control food and limit how ants can enter your home, you can keep them outdoors where they belong.

The Secret To Total Ant Control For Vail Homes

You can do a lot to keep ants out, but they're pretty persistent. The best solution for persistent ants is a year-round pest control service plan. Your home will have continual protection when you have monthly pest control service visits. Here's what we do:

  • We spot treat in your yard to reduce insects, which ants eat.
  • We remove webs and destroy spider egg sacs to reduce spiders, which ants also eat.
  • We apply a liquid application to the exterior of your home to keep ants and other pests out.
  • We target ants with bait and other control methods as needed.

When you have ongoing pest control for your Vail property, it comes with ant pest control services. A persistent issue requires a persistent solution. Contact your RAM Pest Control team today.

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