
What are ants?

Many different ant species are indigenous to our area of Colorado. Pavement ants, field ants, odorous house ants, and carpenter ants all have unique attributes, but the one thing they all have in common is their ability to invade and cause problems for people and pets. All of these ants vary in size, but not so much when it comes to color. Most commonly dark brown or black, each can have a dark orange or red tint in direct sunlight.

an ant on a driveway at a home in aspen colorado

Are ants dangerous?

While not typically viewed as dangerous pests, certain ant species to pose a threat to us and our properties. Of the ants found in our area, carpenter ants present the biggest threat as they can cause significant damages to wooden structures over time, including homes and businesses.

Why do I have an ant problem?

Your reasons for having an ant problem in the first place will depend on the type of ant you're dealing with. Here are a few quick indicators for determining which ant type is plaguing you and your property.

Pavement ants
Pavement ants are the smallest, most common of the four options. Pavement ants usually start by building the entrance of their elaborate colony on or near cracks in pavement. Look for small dirt mounds created from their burrowing. These ants invade homes and commonly extend their colonies from paved areas to your home with an elaborate tunnel network. If you have a nice sidewalk or driveway, you are probably fighting with pavement ants.

Field ants
Field ants are quite a bit larger than pavement ants. Field ants build colonies similar to pavement ants but prefer the garden over pavement. Field ants feed on honeydew so they will rarely be found in your home. If you have a succulent flower bed, there's a good chance you’re fighting with field ants.

Odorous house ants
Odorous house ants are the ants you see inside your home most often. Odorous house ants have tremendous senses and can detect exposed food from impressive distances. Communicating with one another, they will work together to relay the food back to their colonies, which tend to be under rocks or next to foundations.  Odorous house ants are only slightly larger than pavement ants.

Carpenter ants
Carpenter ants are the largest and most problematic of the four common ant types. These ants can be found in decaying wood, so if you have neglected firewood or weakened parts of your home, you’re inviting them in!

Where will I find ants?

You will find ants in various locations around your home and property, again based on their type:

  • Field ants will stay contained in your garden areas but they will wreak havoc on your soil and plants, so look for their mounds in the dirt.

  • Odorous house ants won’t be difficult to find. You will see them searching your home for food scraps and may even find groups infesting food stores.

  • Carpenter ants will be found almost exclusively in mulch piles, decaying wood, and damp or dark areas.

  • Check around loose floorboards of your home for pavement ants. If the infestation is bad enough, their network will stretch from the driveway or sidewalk through the foundation and under your floors!

How do I get rid of ants?

If your infestation is bad enough, it’s best to call in the professionals from RAM Pest Control. We’ve been dealing with ants in and around the Aspen, Vail & Roaring Fork Valley Colorado area for years and know exactly what we’re looking for. Our licensed technicians will identify the ants you’re dealing with and apply our residential pest control or commercial pest control solutions to dispatch them permanently.

How can I prevent ants in the future?

The best way to prevent ants is by keeping a clean and tidy space. Secondly, be mindful of the conditions ants like. Don’t create an atmosphere that seems attractive or conducive to harboring ants. Partner with the professionals at RAM that design preventative traps and sprays, helping to ensure an ant-free lifestyle. Reach out to us today!


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