How To Be Sure It Is Bed Bugs Plaguing Your Aspen Home

a bed bug crawling on bedding

The beautiful Colorado mountain town of Aspen is known for its snowy peaks, outdoor recreation, and always-booming tourism industry. This Rocky Mountain travel destination sees thousands of visitors throughout the year, and not all of them are human.

The frequent influx of tourists means there are a lot of people passing in and out of town, and this increases the chances of a bed bug infestation in the community. These small, apple-seed sized pests are tiny, but they’re not invisible. They are some of the sneakiest and hardest pests to detect, but they can be identified if you know what you’re looking for.

What Do They Look Like?

A bed bug has a small, oval-like body that is auburn-brown in color and flattens in shape as it goes from top to bottom. Bed bugs have three little legs coming out of either side and an elongated mouth used for their feeding sessions that will likely last between three and ten minutes. After they feed, their little bodies puff up like a balloon, full of the recently sucked blood of their host.
You can usually tell if you’ve been bitten by a bed bug if you wake up in the morning and find small, red bumps on your body that weren’t there when you went to sleep. The bites usually appear in a linear or zig-zag formation and are often the first sign of a bed bug infestation. For some, these bites grow into even bigger welts that can cause severe itching, discomfort, and even infection if irritated too much.

Where Are They Hiding?

Bed bugs go where they have easy access to humans, as human blood is their favorite source of food. The obvious places to look for signs of bed bug activity are your sheets, pillowcases, mattress, box spring, and bed frame. From there, they can pretty much jump onto other surfaces and spread all around the house. They prefer dark remote areas that are soft and humid; this makes fabric one of their favorite places to hang out. You may find them hiding in your upholstered furniture. They will make their homes in the seams of your couch, on chairs, or on cushions. All your clothing is also vulnerable, as are your carpets, walls, curtains, and floors. You can even find them hiding in your electronics and outlets.
Once you’re suspicious of an infestation, you’ll pretty much want to check everywhere. A few of the quintessential signs of a bed bug problem include:

  • Dark red spots on your linens or clothing - these are the blood stains left behind after a bed bug is done feeding.
  • Tiny black spots - this is bed bug excrement. 
  • Traces of shed skin and/or eggs - bed bugs shed skin and egg casings as they progress through their life cycle.
  • An unpleasant odor - Bed bugs have scent glands that give off a musty smell.

If you’ve discovered any of these signs, there’s really little you can do on your own to eliminate the problem. Not only are they hard to prevent, but they’re near impossible to get rid of without professional assistance. Because of their small size, skilled hiding, and nocturnal nature, they are some of the hardest pests to eliminate without professional help. Even if you think you have an infestation under control, bed bugs can lay dormant for a long period of time, and your problem will likely resurface months later.

Therefore, its best to contact the experts at RAM Pest Control at the first sign of a potential infestation. We offer quality bed bug control solutions for both residential and commercial properties in Aspen, Vail, Roaring Fork Valley, and the surrounding Colorado communities.

Our licensed pest control technicians are experienced in heat treatments and chemical application to eliminate bed bugs in all three stages of their life cycle. We provide follow up services and come to re-treat affected areas as necessary. Contact us today to schedule your free inspection!

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