How Dangerous Are The Wasps In Edwards?

stinging insects on wood

Wasps (Hymenoptera) are stinging insects that are omnivorous, and create nests. The most common type found in this region is the paper wasp, which is aptly named for building nests composed of a gray “paper-like” material. More than 20 variations of paper wasps exist in the U.S. This species has six long legs, antennae, and a brownish body with yellow or red markings. Wasps are sometimes mistakenly referred to as bees, based on their similarities. They generally range in size from ½ to ¾ of an inch long. The most likely type to sting people in Colorado is the Western yellowjacket (Vespula pensylvanica). 

Understanding The Dangers Of Wasps

Wasps generally do not attack humans; however, they become increasingly aggressive when anything approaches the area of their nest. They often defend themselves in groups with other wasps, and the females have a long stinger that can be used repeatedly. Most people will feel a sharp pain from a sting, and their skin may become swollen and irritated. Some individuals may have potentially severe allergic reactions when stung, and may require prompt medical attention. 

Best Practices For Preventing Wasps

There are a variety of ways to reduce the likelihood of having wasps around your property. 

  • Check for nests: Wasps are inactive during the cold winter months. Once the weather warms, property owners are encouraged to closely inspect the property for any evidence of a forming nest. Some of the common locations for nests include the ceilings of exterior porches, eaves, overhangs, in voids behind shutters, and others. 
  • Limit access to food: When possible, keep food and beverages covered when having outdoor picnic and BBQs. Exterior garbage cans and recycle bins should have lids that close tightly to prevent access. Remember to always remove uneaten pet food from outdoor areas. 
  • Eliminate areas of standing water: Examples may include potted plants, birdbaths, and other locations where pools of water might develop. 
  • Avoid wearing strong fragrances when participating in outdoor activity, as they may attract wasps and other flying pests.

Why Should I Contact A Licensed Pest Controller?

Attempting to eradicate problems involving wasps, or other potentially harmful pests, is not recommended. Do-it-yourself treatment options sold in the market today include aerosol sprays, foggers, traps, and others. Most of these products will only provide short-term benefits, and may contain chemical agents that are harmful to humans and our local ecosystem. 

Failing to promptly contact a professional exterminator often results in small intrusions that significantly expand into major infestations. Taking a proactive approach is the best choice for eliminating pest-related concerns, and ensuring safety. 

Leading Provider Of Pest Control And Wildlife Removal In Edwards 

Ram Pest Control is a family-owned and operated pest control company that has been successfully delivering results for both residential and commercial clients for many years. We will efficiently solve problems with intrusions from bed bugs, stinging insects, rodents, and a host of other unwanted pests. Our team is also committed to providing the highest-quality customer service and support in the Edwards region.

Our technicians are licensed and trained according to many of the industry-leading standards and best practices from the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), and the Colorado Pest Control Association (CPCA). Contact us today for a complimentary onsite interior and exterior inspection, and no-obligation estimate. Remember to ask about our monthly and seasonal pest control programs that offer ongoing protection. 

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