Eagle Homeowners' Complete Guide To Cluster Fly Control

close up of fly on leaf

How good are you at ignoring tiny flies buzzing around your head and landing on electronic screens nearby? Most people can ignore these pests if they try but are easily annoyed when these invasive insects persist. If you have been noticing tiny flies buzzing around inside your home, we are here to help. Here is what you should know about cluster flies, such as why they invade homes and the dangers they pose to Eagle homeowners. For immediate help dealing with a cluster fly infestation, reach out to the Eagle pest control professionals at RAM Pest control. We will schedule your home for a pest control visit.

What Are Cluster Flies?

What are cluster flies? The cluster fly is an 8 to 10mm long insect with a light and dark grey-checkered abdomen, a short thorax, golden hairs, and wings that overlap when it is at rest. The cluster fly is slightly larger and darker in color than the common housefly. They are also less active. All cluster flies start out as eggs. Females lay eggs inside soil during the late summer and early fall. These eggs hatch within a few days. Freshly hatched larvae look to enter the body cavities of grounded earthworms and develop into adults in 27 to 30 days. As for diet, cluster flies consume the nectar of flowers. Unlike house flies and drain flies, cluster flies do not eat human food, trash, or fecal droppings. 

The Dangers Of A Cluster Fly Infestation In Your Home

Are flies dangerous? Absolutely. Most flies pose a direct threat to human health because of the way they consume nasty things and then crawl over countertops, tables, and left-out food. Cluster flies are a bit different. Because these pests do not eat human food or anything nasty, they are completely harmless. The only problem is knowing whether your home has a cluster fly infestation or an infestation of dangerous flies. In addition to this, it doesn’t matter if flies are dangerous or not, they are still annoying and unwanted guests indoors. The question is, what attracts flies?

Factors That Attract Cluster Flies To Your House

Most species of flies in Eagle come into homes to look for moisture and food. Since cluster flies do not consume human food, they invade for different reasons. You are most likely to find these pests inside your home starting in late fall. As temperatures drop outdoors and become unfavorable to cluster fly health, these pests will seek out warm places to shelter. One warm place they might end up in is inside your home. Cluster flies start by gathering on the exteriors of homes to soak up warmth from the sun. From here they find cracks, gaps, and other entry points in exterior walls and foundational blocks to use to sneak indoors. If cluster flies get into your home before winter hits, be sure that they will stick around until the weather warms back up and could possibly stay for even longer!

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Cluster Flies For Good

If you are looking to avoid a cluster fly infestation this winter, let the experts at RAM Wildlife & Pest Management lend a helping hand. We offer amazing year-round pest control options that are guaranteed to keep a wide range of annoying, dangerous, and destructive invaders outside where they belong. We also offer quick-working solutions to deal with any current fly problems you are facing. 

Call now if you want to learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control services in Eagle or to schedule your home for a visit. We will take care of any and all of your pest control needs.

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