Four Simple Tricks To Keep Mice Out Of Your Avon Home

house mouse inside

With pest infestations, it’s the early prevention that counts more than how you respond to existing problems. With invasive pests like mice, if you don’t keep up on routine pest control then you’re not managing your risk of an infestation. Rodents, left unchecked, can expose you to nasty problems and costly damage.

Mice In Homes

Rodents are such common pests because they know that human properties provide them with everything they need. From food and water to shelter from the elements, mice look for and create ways inside of homes and businesses deliberately and frequently. Here are some of the problems they lead to:

  • Damage: Whether they’re burrowing through exterior building materials to get inside or simply chewing on hard things to file down their front teeth, mice cause extreme property damage.
  • Disease: Rodents carry diseases as well as parasites like fleas and ticks, which pose their own health concerns.
  • Breeding: Mice can have several litters of pups every year, some of which can total up to a dozen baby mice. That means a single invasion can quickly turn into a widespread population.

What Attracts Them?

To reduce your risk of mice infestations, you first need to know what attracts them to properties in the first place. Once identified, you can work to reduce the following factors:

  • Food: Mice can survive on crumbs, so deep cleaning regularly is important, so is proper food and trash storage. Don’t forget about pet food, either.
  • Water: Pests of all kinds need water to survive, so areas, where moisture builds up, can be another attractant. Keeping up pipe maintenance and addressing poor ventilation will help.
  • Shelter: Not only can they nest within the voids of your walls, but mice will take advantage of excess clutter or debris, too. Regularly inspect storage areas.

How To Keep Them Out

You’ll also need to take steps to fortify your property against direct infiltration. Simply put, mice will find ways inside whether food and water are accessible or not. They need shelter from cold months, so they will take advantage of any access points they can find:

  1. Landscaping: Keep mice at a distance with proper landscaping. Trim branches away from exterior walls and ensure that fences are in good condition and lawns are well maintained to reduce harborage areas.
  2. Crack sealing: You also need to inspect the exterior walls of any structures. Mice can use even a small fault to begin to burrow and bite through to gain access.
  3. Water damage: Moisture doesn’t just attract pests, it can create access points for them. Water damage can open up gaps in your exterior walls or make them easier to chew through.
  4. Treatments: Professionals can not only help you with thoroughly inspecting for signs of pests, but they can also apply effective solutions to your exterior that help ward off pest populations.

The Best Protection From Professionals

That’s a whole lot for everyday property owners to have to keep up on all by themselves. We’ve all got busy lives and plenty to distract us from everyday pest control measures. That’s why the smartest thing to do is to enlist the help of pest professionals. At RAM Pest Control, our trained experts can give you even more tips and tricks on how to protect against invasive pests. More than that, we can directly assist you by planning and executing the work. It all starts with an inspection of your property, which helps us determine if pests like mice are already a problem or could quickly become one. From there we offer effective treatments that both prevent and eliminate pest populations.

To get started on proven pest control, contact RAM today.

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