The Best Way To Keep Raccoons Away From Your Avon Property

raccoon on a lawn

The raccoon is a small mammal native to North America. As adults, they weigh roughly 40 pounds and measure three feet in length. They are adorable, covered in fur with a bushy tail and their characteristic black mask over their eyes. They have very dexterous toes on their front feet, which makes them excellent climbers and thieves. Despite their cute appearance, raccoons can cause quite a ruckus on your property and make pest control in Avon a necessity.

How Raccoons Have Come To Depend On Humans

While raccoons traditionally prefer woodlands, the spread of man-made urban jungles throughout much of the country has caused raccoons to adapt. In some ways, the spread of humans has been advantageous to the raccoon. Humans provide handouts, garbage, and animal feed that all play a big role in nourishing raccoons. Many raccoons around cities and suburbs have come to rely on humans and the food we leave behind.

Raccoons are crafty and opportunistic; they will eat almost anything if given the chance. They eat freshwater fares, like fish and frogs; and they enjoy fruits, vegetables, carrion, eggs, and insects. However, they are equally satisfied with left-over food scraps found in garbage cans and pet food that may be left out.

All The Reasons You Don't Want Raccoons Hanging Around

Raccoons can cause several problems on your Avon property. The most obvious that comes to mind is the spreading of rabies. Rabies is a common disease carried by raccoons. Raccoons are capable of inflicting severe bites and spreading rabies in the process. Rabies is a deadly viral disease that attacks the central nervous system. It is transmitted via the saliva of an infected animal. You may be able to tell if a raccoon is rabid if it has trouble walking, foams at the mouth, displays an increased amount of aggression, or has mangled fur. However, sometimes there are no obvious signs that a raccoon is rabid.

Beyond the diseases that raccoons are capable of spreading, they are also capable of creating a lot of property damage and headaches for Avon residents. Raccoons often damage insulation, wood siding, roofing, and wiring during their attempts at nest building in or around your home. In their quest for food, they frequently raid trashcans, strewing garbage across your property. Additionally, they destroy gardens, damage hen houses, and kill chickens.

Four Naturally Effective Wildlife Prevention Tips

These small, furry creatures can create a lot of chaos for Avon homeowners. Luckily, there are some things you can do to prevent raccoons and other similar wildlife from moving into your home, such as:

  1. Inspect, repair, and seal any holes or cracks on the exterior of your home that may offer entry to raccoons.
  2. Store trash in a secure location, with lids, and ideally a lock.
  3. Avoid putting out bird feeders, birdhouses, and fountains as they attract animals like raccoons, who will see these items as a free source of food and water.
  4. Feed your pets inside if possible and store their food in a secured area when not in use.

There are many ways Avon homeowners can minimize their chances of encountering raccoons in their homes. The best thing you can do is to equip yourself with knowledge and try to prevent a problem before it can begin.

The Safest Way To Remove Raccoons From Your Avon Property

If there are already raccoons in or around your home, the safest way to remove them is to work with a professional wildlife removal company. Pest control in Avon doesn’t have to be treacherous. An expert pest control and wildlife management team like RAM Pest Control can ensure that raccoons are safely and quickly removed from your Avon property. Give RAM Pest Control a call today!

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